Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Big, Dumb Micah Quotes

This is a progressive collection of all the dumb things my beloved little brother, Micah, has said, done or believed in his life. :)

1. "One time, when I was in college, I caught a fish as long as the road!"-while the rest of us are talking about fish we've caught. He must have been about 4 or 5 here. What a nut!
2. As you can see above, Micah used to talk about his days in college or in high school before he had even been to grade school.
3. Being like 1 and a half or 2 and pointing to an 8 year old and calling him a baby.
4. Tying anything and everything into impossible knots from age 2 to 10.
5. Needing his chocolate soy milk in a bottle until he was 5.
6. Believing that our pastor was Jesus.
7. Infamous for putting clothes on inside out AND backwards. (underwear are hard :))
8. Believing my older sister, Abigail, was 6 years old when Micah was 8. He cried because he thought we were all, my Dad included, lying to him that she was older than both of us.
And perhaps the best of all:
9. At 6 years old, my sister found out she was pregnant with my first nephew. When she told us all the good news, Micah began crying uncontrollably. My Mom asked him what was wrong to which he replied that he didn't want to be an uncle because he knew it meant he had to grow up instantly and get a job and move out of the house. Oh Micah. :)

That's all I can think of for now. I'll be sure to update this list in the near future. It's too bad Micah's a tall, attractive, track star now because I can't make fun of him for stuff anymore! Dumb!


  1. Well of corse you can still make fun of him, its easy, i do it all the time(:

  2. I agree with Tristan. We can still totally make fun of Micah, and he won't mind at all because we love him so much! ;)

  3. P.S. Eagerly awaiting you next post!
