Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Worm Hunting

My last post about thunderstorms reminded me of another strange thing my siblings and I spent probably way too much energy on. One of our big activities was worm hunting. Many resources were spent "hunting for worms" because we were planning on going fishing...We rarely actually went fishing of course, but that's what we told ourselves. Worm hunting could be done in several different fashions.
1. Wait until it rains, walk around the caldusac and pick worms out of the gutter.
2. Wait until it rains, walk around the yard in bare feet as slowly as humanly possible looking for worms sticking half way out of the ground. Attack ferociously before they can go back into their holes.
3. In a devastating situation of lack of rain, proceed to take out hose and water the lawn aggressively for a few hours to make worms come out of their holes and repeat step 2.